
Interesting, and thanks for doing this. Concerning Grok, did you look at 
Grok 1.0 or Grok 1.1?

For Grok 1.2 we've identified that the following zope.app packages are 
certainly used:

* zope.app.wsgi

* zope.app.appsetup

* zope.app.publication

We've eliminated the dependencies of these packages on zope.app.testing 
and zope.app.zcmlfiles, which both pull in a lot of zope.app.* stuff.

We've expanded zope.app.wsgi so we can run functional tests and 
testbrowser tests without zope.app.testing involved; see 

We're in the process for Grok 1.2 to try to reduce Grok's dependencies 
to this subset. The grokcore.* packages already eliminate the 
zope.app.zcmlfiles and zope.app.testing dependencies (in the proper 
development branches), but as of yesterday Grok itself only eliminates 
the zope.app.testing dependency so far - zope.app.zcmlfiles is next.

We expect more zope.app.* packages than the ones above will be needed to 
actually run Grok; we don't quite know which ones yet, and we'll be 
looking at them on a case by case basis.

Of course we'll also need the other zope.app.* packages for a while 
longer to provide backward compatibility imports and such for those 
upgrading existing Grok apps.



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