H Jansen wrote:

Thanks so much to point me to the serverasset package. However,
after installing the serverasset package and (re)starting Zope, I cannot
access de server through the browser anymore (something goes wrong
apparently in the startup...). As with the zwiki package (which works
fine) I've installed (an exact copy: cp -a serverasset) the serveraccess
directory as


directory. Like zwiki, I've also added a serverasset-configure.zcml file
that reads

<include package="serverasset" />

in the


directory. It does not work for me... Am I still doing something wrong?


tiks is the base package. so you should try:

(don't forget the __init__.py within tiks)

<include package="tiks.serverasset" />

but there might be dependencies to other tiks packages (at least to .i18n, 

IMO the best (easiest) way for a first impression would be copying the whole 
tiks package to

and all its package includes 
to <install-dir>/X3-3.0.0/instance/etc/package-includes

Dominik Huber

(p.s. attention their is a bug using the fs directory manager in combination with the intid utility.)

On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 10:49, Dominik Huber wrote:

H Jansen wrote:

I have build a very useful website in Zope2 in which I used the LocalFS
product for web access to my local file system. New to Zope3 I'm looking
for similar functionality.

I'd like to hear if anyone has dealt with this issue before in Zope3?
How should I go about it, will I have to go deep and start writing the
thing from scratch ... :sad:


Within the tiks svn-repository we have such a local file system implementation:

- add local directory utility (Local Directory Utility) to a site
 with the name 'xy'
- switch to the content area
- add file system directory manager (FS Directory Manager)
 select directory 'xy'
- you can add and remove new files and directories

Dominik Huber

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