Hi Philipp

> > Yes,
> > but this is only a problem how we lookup views/pages via /@@ in 
> > templates.
> That's how we lookup views. @@ is short for ++view++. 
> Traversal namespaces are the way to lookup things that are 
> not direct attributes.

The namespace ++view++ is in the first line a namespace
which makes it possible to use the same naming for ojects
and views on a container. Second this is callable
via the @@ in page templates. The implementation that
we didn't use a tales expression is bad.

It doesn't make sense to me that we can automaticly use
traversal namespace in tales. I think the API for implement
additional functionality is the ITALESExpression interface.
Every other implementation which makes something possible in 
TAL is bad. That's just what I think.

> > The implementation of a *provider*
> > tales expression for viewlet manager totaly avoids this :-)
> As I said in another post, I think tales expressions are abused there.
> For looking up views, would you not use ++view++ but rather a view:
> TALES expression? Or for resources? I think not.
> Getting from an object to a view (=view,page,viewlet,etc.) of 
> this object is traversal. It belongs into a traversal adapter.

Yes, I know, but where doe we describe the interface for that?
Is there a interface somewhere that I can see why I can call
traversal namespace from TAL? Perhaps I missed this till now.

How do you explain the TAL implementation of a @@ lookup 
to someone?

Roger Ineichen

> Philipp
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