On 7/7/06, Julien Anguenot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jim Fulton wrote:
> On Jul 7, 2006, at 9:45 AM, Julien Anguenot wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Jim Fulton wrote:
>>> On Jul 5, 2006, at 5:46 AM, Christian Theune wrote:
>>>> I'm sitting at EuroPython right now, and a small discussion came up,
>>>> trying to find out why nobody seems motivated to fix bugs came up.
>>>> Martijn Fassen noted that the tools we use should be better (I agree
>>>> on that, especially making it easy to find which bugs need to be
>>>> urgently fixed for the next release). Obviously that isn't a pure
>>>> problem on it's own.
>>> There are certainly many problems with the current bug trackers,
>>> which were written several years ago.  Finding out quickly which bugs
>>> need to be fixed for the next release isn't one of them. (Although
>>> discovering how to do this isn't obvious and could be trivially improved
>>> through configuration.)
>> I tried to raise the discussion last year about this topic :
>> http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-dev/2005-May/014588.html
>> ... but didn't go far.
>> I believe the bug tracker is certainly the most important tool for a
>> project like Zope3.
> I wasn't suggesting that we couldn't use a better bug tracker.

I understood your point. I just wanted to emphasis the fact that the bug
tracker tool is more than critical.

As a non committer I would like to note that it was easy for me to
search if somebody already submitted a bug I found, and submit a new
patch, it was also trivial to add the for the bugfix and the test. The
only thing which IS still not easy is to find a way to see that patch
appear in Zope itself.
I marked the bug as bug + bugfix but nobody cares. That is much more
discouraging than what I can not do nice wiki links to in my bugreport
other bugtracker items or svn sources like it is possible in trac

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