On Feb 15, 2007, at 7:03 AM, Baiju M wrote:

Jim Fulton wrote:

 On Feb 15, 2007, at 3:02 AM, Baiju M wrote:

> Hi, I am not getting any changes (through checkins mailing list)
> made to zope eggs recently by 'alex' (committer id)
> alex, I read your commit mesage: "Remove setup.cfg.in, INSTALL.txt,
> CHANGES.txt, test.py, MANIFEST.in and README.txt because they are
> no longer needed."

 Could you remind me which package (or svn revision) you are refering

*r72589, **r72588 and few others.*

> Why these files are no longer needed? test.py may not be required
> after buildout.

 I'll turn that around. What are they needed for? You should only
 need a setup.py and, if buildout is used, a buildout.cfg.

 The examples alex showed me seemed out of date with the current way
 of doing things.

 I particularly don't want setup.cfg.in, and MANIFEST.in as these
 aren't really necessary and tend to cause problems.

Agreed. Anyway, atleast we will be required a README.txt and CHANGES.txt

OK, in principal I agree. The trouble is that a lot of these were just place holders. For example, in r72589 just deleted a one-line README.txt. r72588 deleted a README.txt that really only had one useful line of data and a lot of data that would have needed to be deleted. In retrospect, I guess we should have cut this to one line. The CHANGES.txt file was effectively empty. I looked at some other examples that were even worse.

I'll ask Alex to look at the README.txt files and CHANGES.txt files that were deleted to see if there are any that should be brought back.

> Also please revert r72507

In r72507 a setup.py is added to Zope3/trunk/src/zope/annotation/ setup.py
This should be in zope.annotation/trunk/setup.py
(It's already there, also alex later modified it)

Ah, OK. I should have seen that,


Jim Fulton                      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                Python 
CTO                             (540) 361-1714                  
Zope Corporation        http://www.zope.com             http://www.zope.org

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