Am Samstag, den 21.04.2007, 22:20 +0200 schrieb Martijn Faassen:
> Hi there,
> I have some questions about the Zope 3.4 release. My apologies if this 
> information is already available somewhere else.
> I've just uploaded z3c.widget to, but ran 
> into a new snag: it properly lists a whole bunch of dependencies in its 
> that are currently Zope core packages, and thus post-3.3.
> I'm still developing against Zope 3.3 and using z3c.widget would 
> therefore lead to a mix of Zope 3.3 and post 3.3 (3.4) packages in my 
> installation. It's like to avoid this. Is there is a way to suppress the 
> automatic download of dependencies for a particular egg in buildout?
> A manual hack is to upload a private version of z3c.widget somewhere 
> that has a different dependency list and then refer to that.
> Instead of hacking, I could also decide to start relying on an eggified 
> Zope 3.4 right away. I've heard some discussion though that makes me 
> wonder whether an eggified release of Zope 3.4 will be fully cooked. 

I'm using the pre 3.4 eggs in some projects and they work fine.

> This leads to some questions:
> * I don't believe the 3.4 alpha eggs have been uploaded anywhere yet, right?

Right. There was discussion about automation for that. I'm currently
spending some time working on Zope bugs, but I might switch over to do
those releases.


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