On Friday 13 July 2007 12:14, Jim Fulton wrote:
> IMO, a could release should have:
> - a good overview, and preferably
> - on-line documentation

Right, I think this is well-served for packages that have doctests. I think 
that your example of including the dotest files into the long description is 
a good thing. However, I have noticed some problems with regard to PyPI:

1. It does not support unicode. I had some problems with characters before, 
but I cannot remember the details.

2. The PyPI website does not encode the long description, causing text with 
HTML to not display correctly. I have avoided this problem by escaping the 
long description myself, but then you loose the REST conversion. (See 

> Of course, the standard meta data should be filed in to a reasonable  
> degree.

Okay, I think most of the packages provide a lot of the info with exception of 
the Trove classifiers. They are very important for marketing reasons, because 
the PyPI Package browser (http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=browse) 
recognizes them and uses them to organize the packages. I think it would be 
awesome, if it would say: "Zope 3 (300 [packages])".

OT: Did you notice that 17 out of 20 package updates today where 
Zope-related? :-)

> Mainly what I'm looking for is a good faith effort.

I think in the long term it will be most beneficial, if we convert all tests 
to doctests; then a reasonable on-line documentation is not that hard to 

Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
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