On Oct 27, 2005, at 9:45 PM, Bobby Brewster wrote:

Thanks for your help. However I am still not able to install the database adapter. I copied the file psycopg-configure.zcml into "package-includes"
and folder psycopgda into .\lib\python
│   └───package-includes
│   └───python
│       └───psycopgda
I get the following errors. ==> ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'class', "Couldn't import psycopgd
a.adapter, No module named psycopg")
============== LAST FEW LINES ========================= File "C:\PyZope\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\configuration\config.py", line
 1393, in toargs
    args[str(name)] = field.fromUnicode(s)
File "C:\PyZope\Python24\Lib\site-packages\zope\configuration\fields.py", line
 141, in fromUnicode
    raise schema.ValidationError(v)
zope.configuration.xmlconfig.ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "C:\PyZope\ZopeHome
\etc\site.zcml", line 7.2-7.55
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "C:\PyZope\ZopeHome\etc\package-includes\psy
copgda-configure.zcml", line 1.0-1.31
ZopeXMLConfigurationError: File "C:\PyZope\ZopeHome\lib\python\psycopgda\con
figure.zcml", line 6.2
ConfigurationError: ('Invalid value for', 'class', "Couldn't import psycopgd
a.adapter, No module named psycopg")
==============  LAST FEW LINES    =========================
So do I have to install "psycopg" as well?
PHP+Postgres+Apache was a piece of cake. Why am I having so much trouble with this.
I guess I need to spend more time on this.

First question: did you install psycopg?

Second question: which python did you install it for? Because it doesn't look like it's been installed for the python that is running your z3 instance.

My bet is that you have more than one python binary (and thus different python site-packages directories), and the one that you used to install psycopg is not the one that runs z3.


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