
Last year i worked on zope3 based cms. Today i built first site for my
friend without python coding, only TTW customization. So i think system
is ready for first development release. All code released under ZPL

Basic features: Control panel, Principals managerment, Personal preferences, 
Basic TTW customization, Pluggable Content Types, Pluggable membership system, 
Members home folders, Product installer, Cataloging and searching, 
Full text searching with lucene, Basic forum product, Easy install with buildout

Here project homepage - http://z3ext.net/
Source code - http://sourceforge.net/projects/z3ext
Discussion Forums - http://z3ext.net/forums/

Everyone can try it locally
  svn co https://z3ext.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/z3ext/z3ext.portal/trunk 
  cd z3ext
  python2.4 ./bootstrap.py

z3ext.net is built with z3ext, you only need checkout z3ext.homesite package
  svn co https://z3ext.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/z3ext/z3ext.homesite/trunk 

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