Nikolay Kim a écrit :
Seems not much interest in cms for zope3 in community.

I'm sure everybody is enthousiastic about any new app or cms made with zope3. This is a valuable effort, and that's what is currently missing, apart from the doc, so people can have answers to: "what can I do with zope3? show me an example!". (there should be a page somewhere with all z3-powered apps)

But you first need to let people have a little time to test it :)

I've just quickly tried it for a few minutes, and it's probably not long enough to have a real idea, since it actually looks like a zmi or a plone. A really good thing would be to write a tutorial on how you created the site TTW for your friend, so you let the interesting parts appear by themselves. It's much quicker to read a small illustrative document than to try to wonder how to use the CMS. Ok... I agree... writing docs is boring, compared to writing code, and it takes a lot of time :)


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