At 12:12 AM 6/18/00 +0530, you wrote:
>can i replace javascript with python/DTML. I have used drop down menus in
>the pages using javascript. Is these available in Zope or is there some
>way of using these.

Javascript is client based, whereby Zope handles only server-side 
activities similar to CGI. You usually have no way to replace Javascript, 
except in a few places.

>Is there some book released on zope/DTML for reference.

There is the ZDP (, which includes the ZQR (Zope Quick 
Reference) that lists all the tags, but is outdated. We are currently 
working on a model to include a DTML reference into the Zope Online Help 
System. That should appear at the end of the summer in the Zope distributions.

>Does this mean a complete rewrite of the code is required of all the
>javascript and cgi files , or is there some method to convert them to

Yes, you have to convert everything to DTML by hand. If you understand Zope 
well, you will find that you can do many thing easier and shorter in Zope. 
For most everyday tasks you have usually already a product written for you.
I think before converting the entire site you should first learn Zope and 
Python till you feel comfortable and then redesign your site from scratch, 
since Zope's advanced features and object model will allow you to do things 
differently (read: The right way!).

Stephan Richter @ Digital Creations
Zope Documentation
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