> can i replace javascript with python/DTML. I have used drop down menus in
> the pages using javascript. Is these available in Zope or is there some
> way of using these.

Sorry, I just re-read my posting and realized that I had not been clear on this point. 
client-side scripting (javascript/whatever) remains the same whether under Zope or 
conventional web
serving.  It is only the server-side scripting that changes.

> Is there some book released on zope/DTML for reference.

Make sure that you have downloaded all of the documentation available on the Zope 
site, and have
read it thoroughly.  Zope is not yet adequately documented (this is not a criticism of 
what has been
done already, which is very good, but a reflection on the size and scope of system, 
which needs much
much more good documentation).  However what is available is sufficient to work with, 
if you are

> Does this mean a complete rewrite of the code is required of all the
> javascript and cgi files , or is there some method to convert them to

Javascript, as above.  CGI, you do not say what you are using for your CGI scripting.  
If Perl, then
for the moment you will need to re-write in Python (but that is not too difficult, you 
will have a
valuable learning experience doing it, and your scripts will be more easy to maintain 
in the

There is nothing available to do an automatic conversion of an existing similar site 
(say using PHP)
to Zope, and as you learn about Zope the reason for this will become clear.  (The same 
would be true
for alternatives).


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