John Poltorak wrote:
On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 07:17:46PM +0300, Vital Lobachevsky wrote:

John Poltorak wrote:

On Tue, May 31, 2005 at 06:23:11PM +0300, Vital Lobachevsky wrote:

Many thanks for your suggestion.

Is there a worked example of doing this anywhere?

There seem to be quite a few steps involved in trying to get this working and I'm no expert in writing python scripts, and it will probably take me a couple of days to get this working.

Well, it's really easy. Create 'linkList' (Python Script) in the folder where you page lives or somewhere higher in folder hierarchy:

## Script (Python) "linkList"
return [
  ('', 'Google'),
  ('', 'Yahoo'),

If your page is Page Template, it maybe something like this

<h1>Search Engines</h1>
<tal:block repeat="item here/linkList">
  <a tal:content="python:item[1]"
     tal:attributes="href python:item[0]"></a><br />

If you page is DTML Method, you can do the same using <dtml-in> tag.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I really am a novice when it comes to all this and you are probably presuming more expertise than I have.

I created a Page Template exactly as you suggested. It's called test and is in the testsite folder - the contents are pasted from your example. The python script was pasted into a file object called linkList which has a Content Type of text/x-unknown-content-type.

Why did you put it in a File? Why not a "Script (Python)"?


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