David Pratt wrote at 2005-8-8 11:11 -0300:
>I just began receiving this error this morning in one of my event logs 
>on start up. It looks serious.
>2005-08-08T08:49:26 WARNING ZODB.FileStorage Failed to load database 
>index: exceptions.AttributeError: type object 'BTrees._fsBTree.fsBTree' 
>has no attribute '__basicnew__'
>Can someone advise a course of action and what may have happened to 
>generate such an error. I use CMFBTreeFolders extensively in CMF. Many 


        "BTrees._fsBTree.fsBTree" should have a '__basicnew__'
        attribute (like all 'ExtensionClass'es).

Try to import "fsBTree" in an interactive Python interpreter
and check it.

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