On Friday 09 September 2005 13:56, J Cameron Cooper wrote:

> I don't know why, either. That simply says that there is a default
> Products directory ($SOFTWARE_HOME/lib/python/Products), you can't get
> rid of it, and you shouldn't try to configure it here.

The problem I'm having, though, is that those products don't seem to be 
present in instances by default, which is the opposite of what I'd expect.  
For example, I'd think that ZPsycopgDA would be available inside each 
instance since it's present in $ZOPE/Products.

> If you want your instances to use Products from some other directory,
> name it here.

Yep.  I'm wondering if I should create a $ZOPE/CommonProducts directory and 
add "products $ZOPE/CommonProducts" to every instance's zope.conf.
Kirk Strauser
The Day Companies
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