On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 08:47:23PM -0500, J Cameron Cooper wrote:
> >>error_log is by default set to ignore three common types of exceptions. 
> >>You should remove NotFound from the list if you're getting NotFound 
> >>exceptions and want to see them.
> >Ahhh.. Thanks, now I have a traceback, unfortunately it didn't make it any
> >more clear to me what the problem is.
> >Traceback (innermost last):
> >  Module ZPublisher.Publish, line 104, in publish
> >  Module ZPublisher.BaseRequest, line 355, in traverse
> >  Module ZPublisher.HTTPResponse, line 651, in debugError
> In Zope 2.7, I see that line raising a debug error. Why it doesn't get 
> through I don't know, but here's what it says::
>  "The object at %s has an empty or missing " \
>  "docstring. Objects must have a docstring to be " \
>  "published." % URL
> That should help you, I think. All Zope objects that are to be published 
> to the web must have a docstring.

Thanks, but I do have a docstring on the __getitem__ in question.
This error is really starting to annoy me :-/.
If I return a custom object (i.e. a SimpleItem based class instance)
from __getitem__ it works fine, but if I return a PageTemplateFile
instance it screws up.

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