On Friday 21 April 2006 10:15, Tino Wildenhain wrote:
> Erik Billing schrieb:
> > Ah! Thanx! DocFinder will shore come very useful in time =)
> >
> > Btw, what editor would you recommend for writing python outside Zope.
> > I've frequently used Eclipse with PyDev before, but it's a bit slow and
> > heavy. I've looked around a bit on the free editors without finding
> > anything I like so I'm thinking it might be worth trying a commercial
> > editor. What do you guys use?
> Linux/KDE: kate and/or eric3 (nice because of seamless sftp/webdav)
> Linux: vim, some will use (x)emacs, pida
> Windows: hm. I've used the ide that comes with the win32 extensions
>           from Marc Hammond. You bend some paths and get nice module
>           view and hinting for zope classes too.

I've used WingIDE a bit lately and am quite impressed by its feature set:

* Good editor: Syntax coloring, folding, autocompletion, ...
* Auto-lookup of documentation 
* Visual Debugger: watches, breakpoints, lots of goodies
* Code / Class browser
* Zope support

Last but not least: great support staff. 

It uses quite a bit of resources though.

Review of Python IDEs:


> Regards
> Tino
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