On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 07:32:38AM +0200, Maciej Wisniowski wrote:
> >
> >zope 2.8.5 + zeo
> >python 2.3.4 (red hat distribution)
> >Red Hat RHEL 4
> >Plone 2.1.2
> >
> >Our zeo clients hang intermittently.  We have no way of reproducing the
> >problem, but it occurs daily.  The client hangs and a restart seems to 
> >fix the
> >problem.
> Install DeadlockDebugger and you'll be able to see what is
> the state of your threads when Zope becomes unresponsive.
> >In the event log with tracing on we get
> >
> >Trace zeo.zrpc.Connection(C) wait(16697) {server:8100} pending, async=0
> >
> >There are hundreds to thousands of these until the server is restarted.
> >
> >In the zeo log we get
> >
> >Error caught in asyncore asyncore.py
> >
> >error:(110,'Connection timed out')
> I'm not sure what these errors are. Maybe firewall between zeo
> server and zeo client closes the connections or something like that?

That was my guess too.
See this thread:


Paul Winkler
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