On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 14:00:41 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> In a message dated 12/25/2004 11:13:06 AM Central Standard Time,
> Gender equality is progressive from Islamic custom  not radically different.
> You have forgotten to consider that under Islamic law a woman may not
> initiate divorce, in the Baha`i faith she may.

Dear Scott:
I'm not sure what you mean by "initiate". A woman can go to a judge
and get divorced.

 A daughter is not
> preferentially given educational opportunities in Islam, in the 
> Bahai Faith she is.

There are hadith which strongly emphasize the merit of educating
daughters specifically.

> A woman running her own business or interests in most Islamic
> societies operates under much more severe disadvantages >than she would in a 
> Baha`i society.

Where is there a Bahai society? How can you make the comparison? I
certainly realize that Muslim societies face certain difficulties.
Many of these difficulties are actually fairly common in many formerly
colonized developing world nations whether they are Muslim, Christian,
Hundu etc. They are more rooted in the political situation than in
> Does this say that Islam is somehow more primitive?/ God forbid. The
> Revelation of God is the Revelation of God. But the revelation of Muhammed
> was tailor made for the world of Muhammed. 

According to the Bab, each religion was fit to be universal. They
weren't just limited in scope.

Time changes. Society changes.
> Baha`i's believe that man is supposed to build an ever - advancing 
> civilization. 

Sure, the same concept even existed in Judaism. All religions have
dictates to make the world a better place.



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