On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 02:48:43 -0800 (PST), louise mchenry
> Someone on another list remarked that according to science there is a link
> between commiting arson and being sociopath. It seems that sociopaths
> manifest their affliction first by an inclination to burn down buildings. 

I don't think anyone is saying that arson is a good thing or that it
isn't a serious problem and shouldn't be banned or prohibited. The
question is how should a society treat people who have committed

Islam is, in some circles, famous for having certain kinds of
punishments for certain kinds of crimes. And it isn't uncommon for
certain groups of people, say secular western liberals, to accuse
being brutal or inhumane on this point. However much I might disagree
with that position, I can still respect its consistency.

I wouldn't have the same respect for a Bahai who joined in on such
accusations when their own scriptures don't seem to have a problem
with burning someone alive.
Especially if we are talking about punishments found in the Quran
which they say they believe comes from God.

If you wanted to just say we are all playing a big game of Simon Says
with God and that for the previous thousand years or so the rules were
one thing, and for the next thousand years or so they just happened to
change, that's fine.

But to accuse the Islamic punishments of being brutal and inhumane is
something which is difficult if not impossible for a Bahai to do with


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