On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 12:15:08 -0900, Sandra Chamberlain
> Dear Gilberto,
> One of the difficulties encountered when Baha'is give answers
> off the top of their head about the Baha'i Faith is that it is
> generally an abbreviated explanation.  

Thanks I try to appreciate that.

The common denominator
> here, is the Sacred texts of the Baha'i Faith and the source
> for the most thorough explanation.  Which is why so many of us
> choose to refer you back to the Writings of the Central
> Figures.
> With regard to obedience/disobedience to governments... there
> is a "qualifier" that seems to be missing from the discussion.
> That word is "just".  Obedience to JUST governments.



"pharaoh is just a leaf on a burning bush"

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