On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 13:43:31 -0800, David Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sandra wrote:
> With regard to obedience/disobedience to governments... there
> is a "qualifier" that seems to be missing from the discussion.
> That word is "just".  Obedience to JUST governments. 

> This highlights the issue which has been in many ways most problematic since
> becoming a Baha'i.  Living in a nation which has become more and more a
> symbol of evil to much of the world, and under an administration which seems
> to suffer a real disconnect from reality, one cannot help but wonder at the
> limits of restraints on civil disobedience.

That's sort of an interesting way to put it. It still seems really odd
to think that even when being "civil" and non-violent, that political
behavior might still have other constraints put on it.

  Of course, there is the problem
> that different people will define words such as evil, just, and reality, to
> suit themselves.  I find it helpful to fall back on the Bahá'í writings
> which state that the old order must inevitably fall under its own weight,
> and conclude that current events amply illustrate this.

Isn't that kind of sad? You see society crashing down and basically
you just sit out until something new comes along?


"pharaoh is just a leaf on a burning bush"

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