Ok, thanks. I see the logging now and I got this:

27-Aug-2024 19:53:19.449 general: error: could not configure root hints from '/usr/share/dns/root.hints': file not found

Then I checked the container:

bind9-1:/var/log/bind# docker exec -it bind9 /bin/sh
/ # ls -lha /usr/share/dns/
ls: /usr/share/dns/: No such file or directory

So my /etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones (itself included from my named.conf) referenced this location. In short, a bit of an unexpected change for /my/ config. I commented out the include that called the named.conf.default-zones.

In short, it was my config not being close-enough to stock for the new container to load successfully. An easy issue to understand and fix with the logging change you made. Thanks!

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