On Mon, Oct 30, 2023 at 05:45:28PM -0400, Matt Welland wrote:
> Well, maybe there is a silver lining here, I can currently reliably
> reproduce the problem!

That's excellent!  Do you have to do any special steps, or does it
simply always happen?

> One hypothesis I'm looking at is replacing calls using with-input-from-file
> and with-output-to-file with open-*-file ... close loops for the reading
> and creation of the egg-info files.

You're probably on the wrong track there.  AFAICT, egg-info files are
only *created* in the foo.install.sh / foo.install.bat file, at the very
end where (on *nix) it uses cat(1) to write into it.

If the file is already empty, changing how it's read won't make a

The only way it would fail that I can see is if one presses ^C to abort
installation at a very unlucky time.  This sounds like a race condition
but depending on the shell, it might be that it will process that signal
after evaluating the line that redirects stdout to the egg-info file,
but before actually invoking cat.  Dunno, grasping at straws here :)

Since you're using mingw, it's a UNIX shell at least.  Could you try
inserting a sync(1) call at the end of the .install.sh file to see if
that fixes things?


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