> BM> And it had nothing to do with the subject, but the fact that it was
> BM> still quite a conflict-generating post.
> You replied within 30 minutes. A rest my case :)
> BM> Yes, misc/doc applies *only* to ISO images, not to the mirrors.
> Well that is so obvious that there is no need to point that out.
> BM> Maybe fr2.rpmfind.net isn't in sync.
> Actually it is. If you read my post carefully you will notice
> that I compared my findings with mandrakeclub download section
> and that my first thought was that fr2.rpmfind is out of sinc.
> BM> Yes, that's a nice way to encourage us to answer your questions when
> BM> don't even check official mirrors (or known-good ones).
> So
> isn't an official mirror. What can be more official than
> mandrakeclub. And please don't put my words out of context.
> The proper way is to read the hole post than make up your mind.
> I was truing to show step by step what i did so I would avoid
> answering to a lot of questions of type did you did this or that.
> when you have a problem you have to explain it in detail so that was
> what I did.
> BM> No idea what gcc-cpp_f is, never seen it before.
> DESCRIPTION:Virtual provides of gcc-cpp via gcc-cpp2.96
> Everyone that that downloaded the first iso has it.
> BM> Not sure about this. Maybe you could politely ask the maintainer about
> BM> the changes reflected in the changelog (which you can see easily if
> BM> subscribe to the changelog list.
> It doesn't matter what has changed. What matters is that there is
> a difference between my rpms (in rpms rpms2 rpms3 ) and mirrors.
> A was under impression that RPMS dir on mirror holds everything that I
> get on my 3 cds. I will check this with 9.1 since I have those cd on
> me.
Not always. I think Buchan has the right idea, actually.

> The real problem here is that when someone wonts to play powermanga
> (or needs whatever package that is missing) he will most probably
> check rpmfind.net and he will realize the same thing that I did.
> So what should he/me do now ? Add a mirror as another repository ?
> 99.9 % of people here will agree that this is just plain stupid.
What's stupid? If I don't have the latest, I'm more than willing to add a
mirror so that I have them.

> BM> Riight, read the end of your previous post, really diplomatic in
> BM> comparison to all the other threads.
> It was 1:20 AM, I was pretty frustrated while trying to figure
> who the hell cares. I'm an unsatisfied customer, it doesn't mater the
> tone of my voice. What matters is that Mandrakesoft should investigate
> every complain no matter how stupid or crude it may seem.
> I'm trying to help here people. to make some things right.
> I'm just plain crazy or other people here think that this is
> unprofessional ? This leaves a bad picture. If I or my company did
> something like this we would be out of business.
> Should I take this to the official support chanel ? Should I buy
> support and send this directly to responsible people.
> Developers here should care about this. We all want to make a better
> distribution. End don't give me that attitude thing as I no longer care.
> Every time the new distribution is released it has it rough edges
> but this one...
> I can understand mistakes made in development but mistakes like this
> are made because someone didn't pay attention.
> Question to the person who made iso-s ?
> Did you know this ? How did it come to this ? Please explain to me how
> did you do it ? Is this a problem in communication between admins in
> MandrakeSoft like with updates that are announced but show up 4 days
> later.
> If you don't want to replay to this message because you think I'm to
> rude then don't. But you should investigate this if you have any power
> within mandrake.
> People lets make things more professional. Things like this do matter.
> If you think that what I'm talking about isn't important just send an
> empty reply saying nobody cares. We don't care about this whatever and I
> stop posting on this subject.
> BM> Because contrib isn't main, main isn't contrib. That has nothing to do
> BM> with the fact that main is over 200MB larger than the space available
> BM> 3 CDs.
> So should we make another Contrib. Or should we just let these 200mb
> of packages stay in total oblivion ?
As far as I know, most of the "missing" stuff is on the CD's that will be in
stores. If I'm mistaken, someone may feel free to correct me.

> BM> Read the changelog to see if it's anything that affects you.
>     ? Do you even understand what I'm talking about.
>     If it doesn't affect me maybe it affects other people.
> BM> I don't see why I need to read your posts if you continue like this,
> BM> don't expect an answer if you stick to your current style (as it
> BM> seem you are motivating anyone else to answer your posts either).
> Good. Then I will know that I'm left on my own and that I have to make
> my own modifications, build my own isos, and my own updates.
> And at the end if it turns up that it is to much for me I will try
> some other distribution. i haven't installed anything else except
> mandrake in the last few years (since RH 6.2) but maybe its time to
> start now.
It would be a waste of time if you don't subscribe to the changelog list.


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