
I have started to work on the 2024 version of the user survey. If things go well, we can run it two weeks later in May.

As per usual, I copied the version from last year and I have edited it slightly - mostly based on the feedback from last year as listed in my analysis document [1].

New questions so far:

- Tell us the version number of a current curl install you use!
- Which curl command line option is your favorite?
- Which curl command line option do you think improvement and how?
- Have you used the trurl tool?

On the multi-option question "Which curl command line option do you think improvement and how?" I have added a number of new answer options:

- HTTP Message Signatures - RFC 9421
- HTTPS DNS records
- HTTP/3 proxying
- Select name resolver backend at run-time
- A GUI version of the curl tool
- data: URL support
- WebTransport
- Option to change HTTP request header order
- WebSocket support in command line tool

Anything else I should remember to include/remove/ask ?

[1] = https://daniel.haxx.se/media/curl-user-survey-2023-analysis.pdf


 / daniel.haxx.se
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