On 2024-01-05, Sebastian Ramacher <sramac...@debian.org> wrote:
>> libpoppler-cpp0v5
>> libpoppler-glib8
>> libpoppler-qt5-1
>> libpoppler-qt6-3
>> libpoppler126

Poppler core (126ish) changes SONAME by release and is in general not
supposed to be used by well-behaving applications.

the frontentds (cpp,glib,Qt*) is supposedly stable.

But I can confirm that all of them uses time-related types in their
api's. (time_t specifically)

For added fun, the cpp frontend does it like this on all architectures:
typedef unsigned int /* time_t */ time_type;

in deprecated api, replaced with time_t in non-deprecated methods. That
might require extra investigations.

(The commit deprecating and replacing api specifically mentions y2k38)


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