> Well, it would be nice if it were that simple ;)
> But to be able to ship WINE 6.0 with Debian Bullseye, it would have
needed to be included in Sid some time ago already. There simply is not
enough time to include WINE 6.0 and check it integrates well with Buster
with no side-effect, and still have it ready for release time.
> But I’m quite sure there will be backports for Bullseye once WINE 6.0
reaches Bookworm.
> I’m no Debian dev, feel free to point out any mistake in what I write.

libfaudio has backported to buster-backports, and I also manually `sbuild`
wine-5.0 to buster with little backports package dependencies, it would be
nice if maintainers make efforts to let wine-5.0 to buster-backports first.

Just a suggestion, and still thanks for packaging :)

If making related new bug report are required, please let me know, thx.


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