I was a long-time Ant + Ivy and IvyDE. At work, we finally switched one of
our products to Maven. We have at least one other product that still uses
Ant + Ivy, I'm not sure what that team operates as an IDE.

>From my POV, you can't effectively and sanely develop using Ivy *without*
IDE support, in our case, that was Eclipse and IvyDE.


On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 9:23 AM Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi
> sorry for my bad timing sending out an email and then being unbale to
> answer for days. This is not what I intended.
> Let me try to answer what I've seen so far. And I'll try to keep my
> personal opinion out this time.
> It is pretty obvious Ivy is used today and maybe even loved by
> some. This is great for any project.
> As is probably true with all volunteer based open source projects people
> come and go as their interests and focus change.
> In the case of Ivy this unfortunately means it is not maintained well
> today and this is not going to change with the current set of Ant
> developers. All of us work on Ant in our spare time and we've picked
> developing Ant for several different reasons - none of these reasons
> seem to apply to Ivy for anybody of us.
> It is not my intention to kill Ivy. Not at all. But if maintenance of
> Ivy is left with the current set of Ant developers this is what is
> likely going to happen, eventually.
> It just seemed to be fair to inform Ivy's users about the current
> state.
> Cheers
>         Stefan

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