On 02/04/2019 11.26, Joan Touzet wrote:
Trying to cut through the bikeshedding:

Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> said:
I'd recommend a separate mailing list (to provide focus) and a JIRA,
perhaps some place to put documents (either within the comdev svn
or somewhere else if spun off), and then...just get to work :)

This is what Griselda proposed as well (yes, and other things).

Can we get these now (under ComDev) and move them later when the
president's committee is approved? (And, if not, they can stay under

Yes, we can request them right now (within 3 hours), we just need to pick a name for the list (gimme some suggestions!) - and probably just pick the same name for a sub dir of comdev's svn. the JIRA instance is already requested via a ticket.

I want to get started with reasonable, motivated discussion and not
lose momentum while we wait a few weeks.

I think this is the right approach. Let's get something started, and the whole org aspect and fine tuning can be applied at next board meeting or whenever :)


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