Yes, this is well established and is not at all under scrutiny at all.

What I’m suggesting is that the denotation of “advocate” (on top of or
separate from alternative denotations) and a list of those friendly people
who might want to collaborate in the outside non-code world might be nice.

Yes, we can go to the well established responses to this or… just for this
time… maybe not?


On Fri, 13 May 2022 at 16:39, <> wrote:

> On Fri, 2022-05-13 at 22:57 +0800, Evil Cat wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> >
> >
> >     I know that Apache TLP currently has two roles of Committer and
> > PMC,
> > but I would like to ask if there is a role of promotion ambassador
> > (event planning, community evangelism),
> > although I know that Committer and PMC also have such accusations,
> > there seems to be a clearer role like Promoter Ambassador,
> >  so I wanted to ask if we have an official role like Promoter
> > Ambassador.
> Some projects have someone designated in a role like that.
> However, do note that "committer" does not necessarily imply committing
> code, but, rather, one who is committed to the project. It covers all
> involvement in projects including code, docs, design, events,
> promotion, and so on. As such, a project SHOULD make someone a
> committer for none-code contributions.
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