Hi, Liu.

Thanks for your proposal. I have some questions about the FLIP:


1. How to get the exception details if `modifyRefreshWorkflow` fails?
2. Could you give us an example about how to configure the scheduler?

*SQL Gateway*

1. SqlGatewayService requires Session as the input, but the REST API
doesn't need any Session information.

>From the perspective of a gateway developer, I tend to unify the API of the
SQL gateway, binding all concepts to the session. On the one hand, this
approach allows us to reduce maintenance and understanding costs, as we
only need to maintain one set of architecture to complete basic concepts.
On the other hand, the benefits of an asynchronous architecture are
evident: we maintain state on the server side. If the request is a long
connection, even in the face of network layer jitter, we can still find the
original result through session and operation handles.

Using asynchronous APIs may increase the development cost for users, but
from a platform perspective, if a request remains in a blocking state for a
long time, it also becomes a burden on the platform's JVM. This is because
thread switching and maintenance require certain resources.

2. Use "-" instead of "_" in the REST URI and camel case for fields in

Please follow the Flink REST Design.

3. Do we need scheduleTime and scheduleTimeFormat together?

I think we can use SQL timestamp format or ISO timestamp format. It is not
necessary to pass time in any specific format.



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