On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 16:48:35 -0700, Craig McClanahan wrote:
> I was just following the usual conventions in the Subversion book,
> and am not attached to the location ("svn move" and "svn copy" are *
> sweet*).  But first, a question ... if we are thinking about
> actually keeping the end result, wouldn't it make just as much
> sense to do the real work on Apache's svn server?

At this point, I was thinking of drafting what we were going to do on the private 
server, and once we were sure it was what we wanted, then do it "once more with 
feeling" on the Apache SVN server. [Things always go *much* faster the second time 
around :)] Or, maybe even just get a tarball of the end-result and hand that over to 

But, if everyone is ready to have at it, we could just ask infrastructure@ for a SVN 
repository now and be done with it. I'm always ready to cut to the chase. :)


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