On 5/31/06, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sean, why don't you go ahead and check in what you've got, and don't
> worry too much about recording the commands it took to get there
> exactly.  With the test repo as a reference, we'll be able to figure
> it out.
> I don't want to lose momentum, and it's easier to discuss the project
> structure when there's something real to check out and look at. :)

Why don't we just make a struts-shale-mvn directory in the real ASF
repo.  Just copy the existing struts-shale?  As long as there is
nothing pressing (next 10 days or so) to check in, we can just work in
the copy.  Then when we're happy we cut delete the original and rename
back to struts-shale.

Ultimately I think this will be faster b/c we won't have to check in
all of the poms and move everything around again.  Plus we'll have the
svn emails as a record if we need to replicate it.  Worse case there
is a crucial bug that can be fixed in the original location as well as
the reorg one.

That makes sense to me ... it'll be a lot easier to keep the inevitable
small changes over the next few days in sync if it's all in one repository
-- plus, we get the benefit of the visible audit trail courtesy of the
commit emails.


> Wendy



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