On 6/3/06, Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* shale-tiger:  The ant version of the tests builds a mock web application directory  structure under 
"target/test-webapp" that is used to exercise the configuration loading   classes.  It doesn't look 
like we can emulate this by simply copying resources, because it assembles some things out of compiled 
classes.  Is there a plugin where we can escape out to an actual Ant script when the tests are compiled?  If 
so, it would be pretty easy to copy just the "test:webapp" target stuff from the original uild.  
The POM will also need to pass the "basedir" property, if it doesn't already.

Thanks for the additional information.  I was hoping it was just text
files that we could arrange. :(  The 'antrun' plugin should help; I'll
look at this one.

I'll be working out the details on the last remaining top-level module
(shale-designtime) late this evening.  In the mean time, I'm going to
comment it out of the parent POM because this module will always require
some special processes at build time, and is not required for anything
else.  That will allow us to start hacking on the Shale sample apps once the
test failure issues above are addressed.

There is a profile for designtime, so that it only builds if you use
-Pdesigntime on the command line.  (It shouldn't be in the main list
of modules until the jars are freely available.)

We need to decide on groupId, artifactId and version for the Creator
jars.  Last time I looked, it wasn't obvious what to use, since they
contain classes from multiple packages, there was no version number in
the manifest, etc.

Once that information is in the pom, Maven will complain about the
missing dependencies and print information about how to install them
into your local repo, and we can put it in the 'Building Shale'


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