Tom Hughes <> writes:

> On 05/04/2022 18:51, Robbie Harwood wrote:
>> Right, you need the EFI partition (EFI System Partition, or ESP).  I
>> don't remember what we default those to these days - I usually make
>> about 600M, but I need it larger for testing stuff.  The partition
>> scheme also needs to be GPT, not MBR.  Once that's all set, the EFI
>> grub2 packages need to be installed, but that's the easy part :)
> I actually checked that on wikipedia because I wondered if it
> had to be GPT and it seemed to say MBR was supported?

That may work, but what's important is that it's not close to as
well-tested - Windows binds UEFI support to needing GPT.  (Also, the
2.2T limitation on MBR makes GPT very attractive.)

Be well,

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