"Colin Walters" <walt...@verbum.org> writes:

> On Tue, Nov 15, 2022, at 12:00 PM, Robbie Harwood wrote:
>> If your model doesn't permit the system to cease execution during
>> bootloader updates, then I'm not sure why you need bootupd at all -
>> traditional RPM updating will work just fine (assuming the A/B change
>> we've been talking about).  But the "Questions and answers" section
>> doesn't read that way to me: it mentions that "forcibly pulling the
>> power during OS updates" is a case ostree wants to support and doesn't
>> explicitly negate that for the bootloader.
> There's lots of nuance going on here.  What both bootupd and your shim
> prototype are doing is effectively moving the "payload" into /usr and
> not have RPM directly writing to /efi (or /boot/efi, wherever it's
> mounted).

No, the install script install script in an RPM trigger, so the write is
still carried out by RPM.

> This also then directly leads into a next issue:
> https://github.com/coreos/bootupd/issues/50 Basically, `rpm -q shim`
> becomes a lie - or at least, starts to mean something else[1].

I don't agree.  Just because a user can mess with files on the system
doesn't mean the rpmdb is a lie, nor is it reasonable to go recheck all
paths on the filesystem just in case they've done so, or create a daemon
to provide an interface for doing that.

Be well,

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