At 07:26 PM 1/14/2008, you wrote:

>Seems to me that the ones dragging there knuckles on
>the ground are those who fail to accept the fact that
>there are other things but using the ham bands for
>E-MAIL ....

If I may - here is one of the so called email that you referred to.

this message was from a ham at sea from last week.
It looked just like a message from the ARRL system.

look at all of hams at sea there at this URL

This message text just said:
Should arrive Sydney within 48 hours on the 

St. Paul, MN
phone number 
e mail address.

Just like a ARRL message it has an email address attached just
in case that last station is not close and will not have to make
a toll call.

Can you tell me why you think that all the messages passed on the 
winlink system is email?

Why do I feel that you have *never* copied any of this traffic and are
just going by what you read or have been told? That's too bad because
neither have the people you have been listing too.

John, W0JAB

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