MY POINT IS ......

You ( DIGITAL USERS ) call CW ( ANALOG ) stone age

You call those who enjoy SSB, AM, FM or just talking
on the radio the reason ham radio is dieing .....

YOU ARE OUR SALVATION ! You by your digital modes will
save the bands from the invading army of other users
... then by encrypting messages make it easy for
commercial users to use the bands ...

99% of all hams use ANALOG ..... and are happy with
it. If you feel you have a new and better way SHOW
THEM ....

However what we see is NEGATIVE comments about us
boarding on we do not have the skills to hold even a
novice license. The talk is 50% of all bands should be
digital .... well go listen to the freeband they
believe they should have 10 meters and use they
argument that the HAMS are not using 10 anyway.

I have been licensed 40+ years and working in radio
most of it. Right now at a jail with 2,000 ICOM ANALOG
radios we found digital ones had NO ADVANTAGE. DIGITAL
does have a place in our hobby but so does AM and look
at what they are trying to do to it right now ....
WHILE you want wider bandwidth for digital modes .....

I'm right now looking is there any reason for me to go
digital at all be it Death Star or P-25 which we use
here at the Sheriff office. Can I justify like my
223.500 MHz station a $1,000 radio to talk to less
than 25 people in the Tampa area. But will sit it out
while the radio beta-max people fight it out.

You get change not by degrading but like SSB did in
the 50s by showing it is a better way even the hard
core AM users YES AM IS ALIVE ! had to admit that it
was better BUT still while AM has declined from 90% of
all HF users the modes lived side by side quite well.

Work on it .....

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