I'm not sure what Les wrote about the cost of the product, but my 
understanding was that there was a temporary $60 price associated with 
RFSM8000 from the normal price.

The question is: who will buy it at any price?

If you have seen what has happened to other developers who tried to 
charge for their products, some of them having excellent value, they 
simply failed to find a market. In fact, I would be hard pressed to come 
up with any new ham software products in recent time that have taken off 
and been purchased by many hams.

Consider programs such as the paperchaser log which was a niche logging 
program. After a few years the author discontinued the product because 
he only had a few buyers. I sure would not want to have been one of 
those buyers. But I nearly was as it looked like a very good program!

Imagine someone buying such a program that t is now free, but worse, it 
is no longer been developed or supported. I suspect the same thing 
happened with the emergency group that thought they were going to be 
able to charge $50 per seat for their emergency program. I don't think 
it succeeded. But others have gone on to develop similar programs at no 
charge. But even those programs are not heavily used either. There is a 
limited amount of mindshare with all this technology and many of us are 
on overload as it is. (Not only for ham programs, but the hundreds of 
competing programs and even operating systems which are open source or 
at least free as in beer).

I am now using an astronomy program that is completely free and that is 
as good as what you used to have to pay $50 to $100 for just a few years 
ago. The Open Office Suite has made it possible to avoid buying the MS 
Office Suite saving at least $500. I do not consider this a bad thing at 
all. It makes more software available to more people and equalizes the 
power to everyone and not just those with a lot of money.

Where the RFSM8000 type of product seems to have the greatest value is 
in the commercial market. Assuming that it can compete with multi 
thousand dollar STANAG modems, it should be an excellent buy for those 
who use this technology. I know that I probably speak for a majority of 
hams who wish them well.

As I have said many times, what I am looking for is a program that 
provides ARQ chat that can operate under the worst possible conditions 
and can also scale if conditions warrant so that I can send any data 
that I am interested in sending and is legal to use in my country. The 
technology has been invented to do slow, medium, and fast speeds (1000 
wpm text data) depending upon the conditions, but no one has been able 
to put this together in a simple to use package that will appeal to the 
mainstream digital ham.

I believe the best approach, and I see some are talking about this 
lately, are programs that are modular and you can bolt on various parts 
and not have to reinvent the wheel over and over with each new mode.


Rick, KV9U

dmitry_d2d wrote:
> Hi Les, Rick and all.
> About prices of RFSM-8000.
> I'm sorry, but Les was wrote incorrect information.
> In January, we offer special low prices.
> Price of FULL Featured (with Mail-Server) version is 60 USD (only for 
> HAMs).
> Mail-Client version is unavailable.
> And, we think, this action (special low prices for HAMs) will be 
> continued - in February and more.
> Please, see our web-page for last correct information:
> http://rfsm2400.radioscanner.ru
> 73,
> Dmitry (RFSM-IDE Group). 
> Announce your digital presence via our Interactive Sked Page at
> http://www.obriensweb.com/sked
> DRCC contest info : http://www.obriensweb.com/drcc.htm
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