The hell with the rules and law, right Garrett?

John, W0JAB

At 05:48 PM 7/19/2010, you wrote:

>What is absurd is that its a fight in the first place.. do you ever just back 
>up and look at what is being said??  Your all acting like this is life or 
>death..ITS NOT..I have been using it all along... NO FCC at my door,, NO FBI,, 
>NO KGB..  You  are all fighting for something that no one cares about.. Cross 
>all the T's and Dot all the I's--- but the key is NO ONE is looking to see if 
>its been done.. 
>And ANYONE who puts "Our Freedom" and "Absurd" in the same sentence needs to 
>move to Iraq.. see if they agree with you ! 
>Garrett / AA0OI12c1104.jpg

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