OK. I will chase this up internally – I am surprised we make body encoding only 
changes, I can believe that the same encoding is used but the encoding results 

If you can reply off list with more specific examples (customer detail not 
required) then that would be good.

In terms of the option to switch off. They should for the “pass through policy” 
which can be set to cause to preserve the original message as received (invalid 
linefeeds might change sometimes) as long as a more aggressive policy doesn’t 
override it. This can be set at as fine a granularity as they wish.


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Simon Tyler
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From: Roland Turner <rol...@rolandturner.com>
Date: Thursday, 26 April 2018 at 07:39
To: Simon Tyler <sty...@mimecast.com>, "dmarc-discuss@dmarc.org" 
Subject: Re: [dmarc-discuss] Mimecast and Office 365

Hi Simon,

Many thanks for following this up!

I'm not in a position to name the Mimecast customer in question, but will 
certainly forward your message to them.

Their understanding was that the unpacking and repacking was unconditional, 
that Mimecast provided no option to turn it off for specified recipients whose 
live mailboxes were hosted elsewhere (there was MTA-level forwarding happening 
within the customer's environment) and for whom DKIM-preserving forwarding was 
therefore a requirement, the only Mimecast features required for those 
particular users being upfront spam filtering. In the test messages that I saw, 
Mimecast was making no policy-relevant content changes at all, it was merely 
changing the body encoding; this breaks DKIM signatures and therefore DMARC but 
has little other practical effect.

A non-"body based" DKIM signature is essentially an invitation to phish, as it 
allows an adversary to present - and have pass DKIM validation - any body and 
attachments that they wish. It is technically possible to sign headers only but 
this is not a widespread practice, and not an obviously useful one.

The recent discussion on this list about internal DMARC checks appears to have 
been a discussion at crossed purposes: internal to Office 365 vs. internal to a 
single tenant.


- Roland
dmarc-discuss mailing list

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