It appears that Todd Herr  <> said:
>The reasons given were:
>   1.

I am reasonably sure it was referring to DNS crudware that wouldn't
let you put an underscore in the name, or that limited TXT records to
a single 255 byte string, not CNAMEs.

>   2.

I don't see that implying anything about CNAMEs.

>   3. Neither RFC 7489 nor DMARCbis contain the phrase "CNAME", so if it's
>   not explicitly mentioned...

I suggest we mark this "no change" and close it. There is a very short
list of RRTYPEs where you're not allowed to use CNAMES, and TXT isn't
on it.


PS: If anyone cares, the list contains NS and MX.  See RFC 2181, sec 10.3

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