After you get it started now go to your browser and go to https://localhost:10000 make sur you have https

Glenn Burkhardt wrote:

On Wednesday 19 November 2003 03:13 am, James Sparenberg wrote:

On Tue, 2003-11-18 at 06:57, Greg Meyer wrote:
If you want a pointy-clicky config interface and you don't like
DrakConf, use Webmin -- it doesn't have that problem. It's also better
at handling complex config than DrakConf. DrakConf is very good at
things like X, but I agree that its network config is... questionable.

I'm going to have to admit that I agree with Jack here.  I stopped using
Linuxconf around the time of RH5.2 for this very reason.  It was  a nice
training tool. In that it taught me a lot about repairs but hardly a
learning system I would ever recommend.

Webmin I've been a fan of since around the time of MDK 7.0 (I started
my switch from RH to MDK around the time of MDK 6.x) and the Drake
Family of tools have become a very real and very reliable set of tools.

The most important thing is that they actually modify the real set of
config files not a psuedo set.  (ala e-smith, or some of the firewall
distro's) Nor like some of the tools in another distro that try to think
for me.  They follow the philosophy of C.  Yes you can mess something
up.  But in doing so, you can also use the tools to undo it as well.


Ok, I'll check it out. But just a quick question - is there an entry for Webmin on any of the popup menus? I've figured out how to start Webmin, but only by going to the Webmin web site. There doesn't seem to be much documentation included in the Mandrake distribution. I checked under Configuration, and some other places, but there's no entry like there is for the CUPS www admin tool.


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