On Monday 03 November 2008 18:08:38 Mark Moellering wrote:

> The other problems I had dealt with thrid-party programs.  There is no
> (at least as of a few months ago) K3B for KDE-4 and no FreeBSD port of
> Ktorrent for KDE-4.  I tried the linux port but had lots of problems.
> I ultimately changed back to the 3.5.9(?) version from packages.  I am
> using an intel quad core running amd64 FreeBSD 7.0 Release

We had a similar experience and for this reason patched the kernel, using 
instructions found here:

Then have set up a jail with an updated kde-4 installed there. Every once in a 
while, we copy over the home dirs and run the jailed version, so that configs 
on the host system are untouched, but we still get a full experience test.

> Also, to start you need to give an explicit path, something like
> /usr/local/kde-4/bin/startkde in the .xinitrc file.  (at least I could
> never get anything else to work)

This is easily worked around by adding /usr/local/kde4/bin 
and /usr/local/kde4/sbin to your PATH in .profile, /etc/profile 
or /etc/login.conf.

Lastly another annoyance is having to click the app menu for it to move to the 
next category, but I'm sure that's configurable somewhere (I hope).

Problem with today's modular software: they start with the modules
    and never get to the software part.
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