Hi Piotr, 

yes, interesting idea. I can live with such a solution. 

I don’t know any words in German beginning with a double letter ;) 

So - let me know, how can I implement this to us it in my text editor (VED Text 
editor by preference) 
Is it a macro or how does it work?


> On 09.02.2024, at 06:38, Piotr Ćwikła via Freedos-user 
> <freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> Hi i think can be done ez with aliases, You can just write aaa = A  or bbb=B 
> and you not need return anything. :) I have hope this can help or even easier 
> if free dos can alias space then combination can be space a =A or use dot 
> command like in old word processor WordStar4.0 example --> .bp (breake page). 
> Some simple alias can do for you what you want :) just little diffrent way. I 
> think idea is ok but question is what app you must use to do this. If only 
> freeDos then no problem.
> W dniu 08.02.2024 o 13:18, Thomas Cornelius Desi via Freedos-user pisze:
>> Hi,
>> is it possible in DOS (using BIOS?) to implement a tsr or so which allows 
>> the following:
>> holding a key longer to return a SHIFT-key on screen?
>> Example: 
>> press key »a«  and HOLD the key for e.g. 500 milliseconds,  
>> => print shift-a = »A« on screen.
>> Anyone around who has an idea or knowledge if this is possible or has been 
>> done or any hints where to look?
>> Thanks! Thomas
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