Hallo Herr Thomas Cornelius Desi via Freedos-user,

am Donnerstag, 8. Februar 2024 um 13:18 schrieben Sie:

> Hi,

> is it possible in DOS (using BIOS?) to implement a tsr or so which allows the 
> following:

> holding a key longer to return a SHIFT-key on screen?

> Example: 

> press key »a«  and HOLD the key for e.g. 500 milliseconds,  
=>> print shift-a = »A« on screen.

> Anyone around who has an idea or knowledge if this is possible or has been 
> done or any hints where to look?

this would go to the keyboard driver as only it knows to differentiate between

A-pressed A-pressed --> A

A-pressed A-released A-pressed --> a

only problem would be that your typin speed is now limited to 1 haracter per 
e.g. 500 milliseconds.
not very practical.


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