MY EXPERIENCE INSTALLING FREEDOS Took a week or so trying to install a
DOS enviroment along with an install of Word Perfect, quickly
reading/scanning through all available Internet documentation as of
2024/05 date.

Some key bits of information were from Jim Hall's FreeDOS book,
detailing an install of FreeDOS using Qemu.  With the book very quickly
and vaguely stating to use an emulator, of the many available emulators
available. Nowdays, there's several types emulators/virtualizers, with
varying abilities and intend usage scenarios. 

Initially I tried Bochs, but found Bochs either cannot go full screen
using SDL2, or I just haven't found the magical incantation. (I could
not read the characters/font!) Later finding Bochs is moreso respected
as a de facto or standard scientific or reverse/understanding coding

More research showed DOSEMU out of date and not available on Void Linux
distribution here, and/or requiring other self compiled libraries, as
well as DOSEMU2 requiring additional self compiled libraries, with only
DOSBOX (intended for games) available on Void Linux.

After more research, found Jim Hall's book tends to sway towards
suggesting Qemu, a virtualizer rather than an Emulator.  I have and
currently use Virtualbox here, but wanted to remain to the de facto used
emulator for DOS environments.  Regardless, Qemu readily resizes to full
screen, so that I can finally see and read the font/characters.


How to install FreeDOS without the installer

1) Jim Hall's FreeDOS qemu incantation likely needs some minimal
updating, for those that desire to get-up and running quickly within a
DOS environment:

$ qemu-system-x86_64 -name FreeDOS -machine 
pc-i440fx-4.2,accel=kvm,usb=off,dump-guest-core=off -enable-kvm -cpu host -m 8 
-overcommit mem-lock=off -no-user-config -nodefaults -rtc 
base=utc,driftfix=slew -machine hpet=off -boot menu=on,strict=on -sandbox 
on,obsolete=deny,elevateprivileges=deny,spawn=deny,resourcecontrol=deny -msg 
timestamp=on -drive format=raw,file=freedos-mine.img -drive 
format=raw,file=FD13FULL/FD13FULL.img -vga cirrus -usbdevice mouse -device sb16 
-device adlib -audio driver=alsa,id=snd0, -audiodev alsa,id=snd0 
-machine pcspk-audiodev=snd0

Hpet option needed updating, using -drive was necessary for averting
warning during start concerning raw format, sound options/arguments have
been renamed/reorganized with sound not known if working using ALSA, but
annoying PC speaker beep works!  Another note, likely using the USB full
image, rather than multiple floppies is far easier and more simplified.

I'm not sure if the other non-explained options/arguments are still
needed, or if additional options/arguments are required with the updated
Qemu environment, but so far FreeDOS boots and seems to work.

2) Book or documentation should probably lead or advise users, the best
(as of date) emulator or virtualizer per their intended use. (eg.
under-the-hood operations, likely use Bochs, while most others should
likely use Qemu?)

As they say, the more we keep something simple, the easier
and more readily we get things done.


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