> On Thu, May 09, 2024 at 09:52:39PM +0200, Eric Auer via Freedos-user wrote:
>> Initially I tried Bochs, but found Bochs either cannot go full screen
>> using SDL2, or I just haven't found the magical incantation...
>A quick google says "try alt-enter" (to go full screen). In 2011, this
>had the side-effect of risking to switch to a resolution DOS dislikes,
>I have not googled further to check whether Bochs in 2024 has issues?

For kicks, just tried Bochs and FreeDOS again with host being Linux, and
alt-enter/return key combinations do not appear to do anything.  Bochs
on Linux using SDL2 nowadays and from forum searches, still doesn't
allow full screen for easier font/character reading.  Think with Windows
hosts, they do have an option for using full screen, along with an
elegant graphical Boch's package installer with other already configured
options.  So again, from my research, Bochs emulation is more likely for
those learning the inards of an operating system or investigating
transfer of data within an application or software.

>> More research showed DOSEMU out of date and not available on Void Linux
>I agree regarding the first part, but have never heard of Void Linux.
>> distribution here, and/or requiring other self compiled libraries, as
>> well as DOSEMU2 requiring additional self compiled libraries, with only
>> DOSBOX (intended for games) available on Void Linux.
>For Ubuntu, you can simply add the PPA to your software manager,
>https://github.com/dosemu2/dosemu2 explains the details.
>They also have pre-compiled packages for Fedora and OpenSUSE.
>No manual compilation is needed for either of the 3 distros.

Already know about these pre-package options for SystemD Linux

>> After more research, found Jim Hall's book tends to sway towards
>> suggesting Qemu, a virtualizer rather than an Emulator.  I have and
>> currently use Virtualbox here, but wanted to remain to the de facto used
>> emulator for DOS environments.  Regardless, Qemu readily resizes to full
>> screen, so that I can finally see and read the font/characters.
>I doubt that there is a "de facto used emulator for DOS".
>Personally, I prefer dosemu2. Windows users often prefer dosbox.

From what I'm seeing DOSEMU2 emulator, if available for your Linux
distribution, then Qemu virtualizor is most often used for Linux hosts.
Else, Bochs for scientific research of the O/S or applications within
the emulated environment.

>Various users also like to use software which emulates or
>virtualizes a complete PC on which you then install DOS,
>but I have no idea why that would be better than dosbox or
>dosemu2 which spezicalize on supporting DOS and offer nice
>magic like "any Linux DIRECTORY can become your C: DISK".

This was another tricky bit, similar to long ago initially learning
host/client operating systems, the difference of emulators and
virtualizations.  Some .edu site(s) recommend DOSEMU/DOSEMU2 for using
DOS Word Perfect, due to copy/paste, etc...

>> 1) Jim Hall's FreeDOS qemu incantation likely needs some minimal
>> updating, for those that desire to get-up and running quickly...
>> $ qemu-system-x86_64 -name FreeDOS -machine 
>> pc-i440fx-4.2,accel=kvm,usb=off,dump-guest-core=off
>That is a very long command line indeed! An incantation :-o

Shrugs, being a command line junky, I like it.  A good organized
hierarchy/pyramid building schematic of software engineering and usage!
Granted, Qemu has some really long command line incantations, with some
elusive and not well explained options/arguments, or well organized and
easily learned.  Sound devices/configuration being one series of
options/arguments.  But if, like Jim Hall's book, already documents for
easy copy/pasting, and successfully works, users will not have to muck
around editing large text configuration files with many subsequent
saving/loading operations.  Almost like click and play, but on the
command line.  Once working, then can likely save arguments/options to
either a configuration or sh/bash/batch script.

>> 2) Book or documentation should probably lead or advise users, the
>> best (as of date) emulator or virtualizer per their intended use.
>What if the DOS distro installer can be improved, so it no
>longer matters which emulator or virtualizer people use? ;-)

Likely already the target of DOSEMU/DOSEMU2.  Only problem is, I do not
think either readily compile on Void Linux, due to missing (fdd?)
dependency.  Then also noticed I need an additional GIT source compiled

Long story short, likely need either DOSEMU/DOSEMU2 package for Void
Linux.  But Void Linux users likely opted only for Bochs or Qemu, as
DOSEMU2 might be only slightly differing or userbase only slightly
differing between the two, with either Bochs or Qemu being adeqaute for
the Void Linux user base.  (eg. Even though an emulator is desired
versus virtualizer, users are satisfied with using Qemu... clearly
guessing work here!!!)

>> As they say, the more we keep something simple, the easier
>> and more readily we get things done.
>We could provide a disk image with pre-installed DOS.
>This would be convenient for users of virtual computers,
>because they do not need to worry about installing to
>actual disks when their disks are imaginary anyway :-)
>Regards, Eric

I have not tried any of the recent FreeDOS images/installers on REAL
hardware, and likely only tried/used FreeDOS 1.0 on real hardware
sometime ago.

I think what your trying to explain, providing something similar to a
FreeDOS LiveCD, where users can try then subsequently install FreeDOS.
My initial speculation hints this would be a lot of work, requiring
additional time for maintaining the additional complexity, with only
having an exquisite/small user base.  Likely only a desireable feature
for large demand operating systems.  I could be wrong here.

As I can recall from using Dosemu, maybe two decades ago, it was easy
and got the user up and running into the DOS enviroment within seconds.

3) The other hurdle, is getting a user's additional software (eg. DOS
Word Perfect) into their DOS operating easily.  From my research, there
are several lengthy hacks, but the far easiest is making an ISO file,
and adding the ISO image file as a CD-ROM drive via the
emulator/virtualizer software configuration.  (eg. mkisofs) Otherwise,
something like virtualizer's (VirtualBox) shared folder/dirs function
via networking (?) drivers.  Since DOS lacks TCP/IP, as previously
mentioned, this is where those additional hacks for providing shared
folders into the host operating system.

So long story short, some tweaks/modifications to the Qemu incantation
as previously mentioned will likely greatly aide FreeDOS users.  Then
likely some minimal explanation of the missing functions nowadays
virtualizers have, such as shared folders into the host file system, and
how to workaround by using an ISO file system.

My intent here, try/use/experience DOS Word Perfect, see if I'm missing
anything aside from using easy heavenly Linux command line, such as Word
Grinder.  I'll eventually be stepping back again, as I do every so
often, reusing other primitive operating systems such as VAX, CP/M,
Commodore, for fun of experiencing what headaches felt like long ago.

Thanks for taking your time reading a lengthy post.  Think those Linux
users happy with SystemD using Fedora/Ubuntu, will already have ready
access to DOSEMU/DOSEMU2 emulator, as for others, Qemu virtualizer is
good follow-up option. Bochs likely for scientific, source code,
disassembly research.


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