The JMSAppender is an optional module. I think you will get the distinction. It 
doesn’t break the world to remove it, unlike changing the class hierarchy of 
Appender or removing a method on an extension interface used by same, I think 
the distinction is clear. We might find agreement in the response to concern 
about removal as “this is a maintenance version, you will need to upgrade”. The 
key is to take a practical approach to what the users are asking for now not a 
perhaps cleaner but absolutist position that strands and frustrates them. What 
we (users) are doing in the wild is simply taking the last log4j 1 release, 
removing JMSAppender.class from the JAR, and publishing them to our Nexus or 
whatever with a modified version. This is what regulators and compliance 
officers will care about. It is being done as a stopgap and I can’t say if it 
would be acceptable or not as a final solution. My guess is not, for what it’s 
worth. A release by the foundation would. Users do not need all theoretical CVE 
worthy issues addressed at at once, just the one. Just like many have avoided 
the concurrency issues listed earlier and don’t need up front solutions for 
those either. Just a new release without JMSAppender. 

> On Jan 8, 2022, at 6:34 PM, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>> On Jan 8, 2022, at 19:39, Andrew Purtell <> wrote:
>>> Are you using the JMS appender? Are you using the socket receiver? If the
>> answer is no to those questions, you don’t have security concerns besides
>> the more glaring fact that you’re depending on end of life software that
>> has been marked as such for going on 7 years now.
>> I know you keep returning to the end of life designation in these
>> discussions, but do not acknowledge that the users of this EOL version were
>> deliberately stranded by incompatible API and configuration file formats.
>> There is a reason we are stuck on Log4J 1. I wish you could just hear this,
>> acknowledge it, and service the concerns of users in this regard without
>> the dictatorial attitude by continuing to release version 1 with security
>> fixes applied. That's all I think interested parties here want.
> Which security fixes? Part of the EOL status has meant that anytime someone 
> has tried reporting a new security vulnerability in log4j1, we’ve informed 
> them that the version is EOL. No new CVEs published. Being EOL, less security 
> review is being done other than thorough audits of old software. This would 
> be like opening Pandora’s Box, and that’s one of the reasons why software is 
> sometimes effectively abandoned before being declared end of life.
>> My employer, for example, will be forced to accommodate government
>> compliance officers' demands for a CVE-free version of Log4J to be included
>> in our products. If Log4J 1 were to satisfy that requirement, this
>> necessitates at least a release of 1 without the JMSAppender or with the
>> JNDI issues therein addressed some other way. (I would advocate removal.)
> So you couldn’t upgrade to version 2 due to incompatibility (which still has 
> no concrete examples; did you know that we’ve improved compatibility several 
> times since version 2.0?), yet right out of the gate you want to break 
> compatibility in version 1 by just nuking a feature.
>> Since I volunteered on this thread to maintain a resurrected Log4J 1 --
>> whatever form that would take can be debated, it's not material for this
>> point -- this would be the maintenance philosophy I would adopt or
>> advocate, for what it is worth:
>>  - Start with latest/last Log4J 1 release.
>>  - Security vulnerabilities addressed. JMSAppender to be immediately
>>  removed.
> To be more constructive, I’d suggest following the compatibility-oriented 
> philosophy of guarding this class with a feature flag to opt in. Being such 
> an old library used so extensively, there are bound to be a non-trivial 
> number of legitimate users of this appender.
>>  - Pay down the build system tech debt - migrate to Maven 3.
> That would be expected; I wouldn’t want anyone to have to dig up ancient VMs 
> just to build and release the project!
>>  - No API changes.
> This makes sense of course, but I should note that one of the historical 
> reasons why both Logback and Log4j2 exist is because Log4j1 doesn’t have a 
> clear delineation between its API and implementation, and some problems 
> cannot be fixed without breaking the effective API.
>>  - No new appenders.
>>  - Additional security fixes as required. Typical 'maintenance mode'
>>  stuff.
> Given the limited changes desired (which mostly sound fine otherwise), I 
> don’t have a real problem with doing this. Not everyone on the PMC has the 
> same opinions, but we all agreed on making it EOL. One of the recurring 
> concerns, though, was that continued maintenance of version 1 in any form 
> will require adding someone to the PMC to oversee that as no one else in the 
> current PMC wants to do the release work. Joining the PMC isn’t a trivial 
> thing; it requires some sustained commitment to the project by first becoming 
> a committer and then being invited to the PMC. This is also why I’ve 
> suggested it could help to contribute to the backward compatibility of 
> version 2 as a related way to do something that could easily lead to becoming 
> a committer.
>> I have lurked in some discussion here and elsewhere and I really don't see
>> that much daylight between the Logging PMCs position on 1 and what users
>> like myself want of it. I hear concerns about resurrecting 1 that seem
>> focused on some theoretical future development of 1 that I don't think
>> anyone is actually interested in doing. If I can be said to be
>> representative of a Log4J 1 user that would like to stay on 1, the vision
>> is "just fix security bugs, please, we will upgrade or migrate to something
>> else someday, don't change API or configuration file formats, thanks".
>> There exists the possibility that some day a theoretical required security
>> fix cannot be accomplished without a breaking change. We can cross that
>> bridge when and if we come to it. It may never happen. Or, it might, and
>> then 1 has truly reached the end of the road.
> Deleting those appenders is a breaking change. And I suspect fixing some 
> things might be breaking changes based on the history of the PMC here: 
> <>
> Seen here is a PMC that was developing 1.3.x from the start while continuing 
> to make 1.2.x maintenance releases for about three years before we come to 
> the end of that period when the report notes the following concerns about the 
> ability for users to migrate from 1.2 to 1.3:
> There is an unclear migration path from log4j 1.2.  log4j 1.2 is widely
> deployed more users are encountering concurrency issues and limitations
> which have been in the code for a long time, some of which can not be
> resolved without breaking compatibility.  The log4j 1.3 development
> effort did not address these issues but broke compatibility in other
> areas in a manner inconsistent with a minor release designation.
> Most development effort in the last 18 months have been to eliminate
> unnecessary compatibility breakages in log4j 1.3.  There has been
> discussion, but little more, about starting a log4j 2.0 development
> effort to target the concurrency defects and target current JDK's.
> In addition, Ceki Gulcu has been promoting migration to LOGBack
> (, a LGPL licensed logging framework.
> However given the terms of the LGPL license, it is risky for log4j
> developers to review the LOGBack code due to possibly contaminating
> log4j which makes it difficult to respond to LOGBack advocacy on the
> mailing lists.
> Link: 
> <>
> Then the very next quarter report we get this doozy:
> log4j development has been glacial and the barrier to entry for new
> developers is high.  There have not been any commits from developers
> other than Curt Arnold and Elias Ross (see above) since August 2006.
> log4j 1.2 is mature and widely deployed, however extreme care must be
> taken to maintain compatibility while address minor bugs and some
> recurring issues (particularly involving concurrency) cannot be
> addressed while maintaining compatibility.  There is no reasonable
> expectation that log4j 1.3 will ever be sufficiently compatible with
> log4j 1.2 to be released and but it is similar enough to log4j 1.2 to
> share the same weaknesses.  The idea of a log4j 2.0 that would be
> designed for JDK 1.5 and higher, follow current best code and
> concurrency practices, would support most legacy log4j clients and
> JDK 1.4 logging clients has been discussed, but no code has been
> developed.   log4j 1.3 (in my opinion) is a development dead-end as
> there is little motivation for development and competition from
> LOGback from in the mostly-compatible with log4j 1.2
> niche.  The log4j 2.0 concept does appear to meet a legitimate need,
> but development can not proceed in earnest until an skeletal
> framework has been established and there is no guarantee that
> additional developers will be drawn to the project once the barriers
> to entry are lowered.
> Link: 
> <>
> The next quarter, we hear that 1.3 development has been effectively abandoned 
> in favor of backporting 1.3 features to 1.2 and plans to start work on 
> version 2.0 targeting Java 1.5+.
> Link: 
> <>
> Then over the next several reports, we eventually come across a desire to 
> release 1.2.16, the previous version that exists today. This apparent desire 
> to make a release subsequently ends up in development hell as the next couple 
> years until it’s finally released. By the time this version has finally been 
> released, the current Log4j2 project has already started development.
> Link: 
> <>
> From the genesis of the PMC on 17 Dec 2003, the community here was already 
> anemic. There are reports of times when the PMC was nearly ready to dissolve 
> from lack of interest. Ceki had long abandoned the community and started 
> SLF4J and Logback as his own vision on how to evolve Log4j1 until just a few 
> days ago.
> I wasn’t involved in the project or even a user of any of these things until 
> around 2013, so I am only able to extrapolate this from the previous board 
> reports. I can, however, confirm that there has been literally zero 
> developments on version 1 since the day I started contributing, so the sudden 
> interest in outside contributors of making the PMC work on what is clearly a 
> dead project has been shocking. Some of the PMC members from back then are 
> still here today, and they’ve been some of the stronger opponents of trying 
> to resurrect version 1, most likely out of painful experience.
>>> On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 4:17 PM Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>> Answers below:
>>>> On Jan 8, 2022, at 17:34, Andrew Purtell <> wrote:
>>>> Log4J 1 has known concurrency issues but many projects live with them or
>>>> work around them. For example, several "Big Data" Apache projects have
>>> been
>>>> fine with it, themselves internally highly concurrent and performance
>>>> sensitive. Log4J 1 might not be a Platonic ideal, but certainly good
>>>> enough, as evidenced by the popularity of those projects, operational in
>>>> numerous high scale and/or performance sensitive environments.
>>> It’s also a fairly common source of application performance problems that
>>> leads to reduction in logs being stored and the added difficulty of
>>> debugging problems with less context. Here are just some of the Bugzilla
>>> issues you’ve been conveniently ignoring for years:
>>> 50213   Category callAppenders synchronization causes
>>> java.lang.Thread.State: BLOCKED
>>> 46878   Deadlock in 1.2.15 caused by AsyncAppender and
>>> ThrowableInformation classes
>>> 41214   Deadlock with RollingFileAppender
>>> 44700   Log4J locks rolled log files (files can’t be deleted)
>>> 49481   Log4j stops writing to file, and then causes server to lockup
>>> 50323   Vulnerability in NTEventLogAppender
>>> 50463   AsyncAppender causing deadlock when dispatcher thread dies
>>> 50858   Classloader leak when using Log4j in a webapp container such as
>>> Tomcat, WebLogic
>>> 52141   [STUCK] ExecuteThread...Blocked trying to get lock:
>>> org/apache/log4j/Logger@0xc501e0a8[fat lock]
>>> 54009   Thread is getting Blocked
>>> 54325   Concurrency issues in AppenderAttachableImpl
>>>> In a perfect world Log4J 2 would have been API compatible and
>>> configuration
>>>> format compatible with 1, such that everyone could have migrated years
>>> ago,
>>> Can you point out any specific incompatibilities? Particularly in the
>>> current version.
>>>> but the Logging PMC/devs decided otherwise. Whether or not we assess that
>>>> as desirable, we arrive at the present, with hundreds, perhaps thousands,
>>>> of open source and internal projects stuck on Log4J 1 due to API or
>>>> operational compatibility concerns that would carry downstream to their
>>>> users. No matter what direction one might look (Log4J2, logback, etc.)
>>>> there are compatibility blockers. Staying with Log4J 1 can be very much
>>>> acceptable for this reason if the security concerns are addressed.
>>> Are you using the JMS appender? Are you using the socket receiver? If the
>>> answer is no to those questions, you don’t have security concerns besides
>>> the more glaring fact that you’re depending on end of life software that
>>> has been marked as such for going on 7 years now.
>>>> Sure, it
>>>> won't evolve much, and there will remain gotchas, but that is true with
>>>> anything... Some gotchas exceed others in concern. Compare lack of
>>>> asynchronous logging with the risks of a turing complete substitution
>>>> engine operating on untrusted user input.
>>> This is bullshit. JNDI is what leads to your Turing completeness. Not to
>>> mention that this substitution feature is meant for the configuration file,
>>> not for log messages, and the library has been updated as such regardless
>>> of downstream users possibly relying on the default behavior before it was
>>> apparent there was a security flaw. Based on how tepid you are about
>>> upgrading for even the slightest inconvenience, there’s a reason why
>>> version 2 maintains as much backward compatibility as possible by default
>>> to be least surprising. Plenty of work and security review has since been
>>> put into the library to disable and remove everything concerning related to
>>> string substitution of configuration files using JNDI, but this is also a
>>> wider problem for any library or application that uses JNDI without
>>> restricting it to only java URIs (e.g., users that use LDAP via JNDI).
>>> If the only reason you want to resurrect version 1 is due to a bug in
>>> version 2, then I suggest you leave the software industry entirely as
>>> nearly 100% of software in existence has flaws, many of them critical.
>>>> The Logging PMC is the hostile party here as far as I can tell, operating
>>>> in defiance of the community of users that have made the points I have
>>> just
>>>> written here abundantly clear for years.
>>> So far, we had one contributor show up with a complete hostile attitude
>>> who refused to engage with the PMC and explain what he wanted to do besides
>>> go wild with version 1. Later, Ceki came back and made his first commit in
>>> probably a decade attempting to do the same less than a day after we had
>>> completed voting on what to do with version 1, again, without ANY comments
>>> about what his intentions were or any engagement with the PMC. So far,
>>> these two people have spent most of their time trolling in other mailing
>>> lists on Apache or elsewhere about the situation while continuing to ignore
>>> the PMC’s arguments.
>>> If you have a desire to update version 1 that doesn’t boil down to “log4j2
>>> bad bcuz log4shell lol get rekt n00bz”, please explain.
>>>> On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 1:58 PM Matt Sicker <> wrote:
>>>>> The problem with v1 is that it doesn’t “just work”. There are numerous
>>>>> dead locks and other concurrency problems that were unable to be fixed
>>>>> without breaking various points of compatibility which is why Logback
>>> and
>>>>> Log4j2 even exist rather than continuing v1. There would also be
>>> difficulty
>>>>> in making a new release without volunteers contributing to the existing
>>> PMC
>>>>> to eventually join the PMC to be able to more directly create releases.
>>>>> Apache isn’t going to allow a hostile fork at the Incubator, so it’d
>>> still
>>>>> need to work with us or create an external fork that can’t be confused
>>> with
>>>>> the Apache version (which would still require a bunch of source code
>>>>> changes to point to the new package name if not already using shading or
>>>>> similar repackaging).
>>>>> I think it’s been said before, but contributing to the v2 backward
>>>>> compatibility system is a great way to join the project in such a way
>>> as to
>>>>> eventually form new releases of v1 with a greater understanding of the
>>> full
>>>>> impact of changing anything about v1 after such a long time. A poorly
>>> made
>>>>> release still wouldn’t be a drop in upgrade for projects that haven’t
>>>>> bothered upgrading in several years, and one that starts to introduce
>>>>> incompatible API changes would further complicate backward
>>> compatibility in
>>>>> v2 as well as complicating external projects that rely on a stable
>>> legacy
>>>>> API to convert from (like Logback’s config file converter thing or the
>>>>> numerous custom plugins for v1). So far, we haven’t seen any reasonably
>>>>> serious proposals of how anyone expects to do this without causing
>>> further
>>>>> mayhem in the future.
>>>>> —
>>>>> Matt Sicker
>>>>>> On Jan 8, 2022, at 14:32, Rohit Yadav <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>>>> Thanks for replying. I think the main issues I found following the
>>> guide
>>>>> [1] for Apache CloudStack (ACS) are:
>>>>>> - APIs are not backward compatible fully, certainly everywhere the
>>>>> imports have to be fixed
>>>>>> - The config xml files are not fully compatible requiring some changes
>>>>>> - Our codebase is pretty large with several maven modules/projects
>>>>> enabled by certain flags, testing changes and ensuring CloudStack works
>>>>> post-migration adds effort and risks
>>>>>> - Lack of an automatic tooling that can do this reliably and
>>> efficiently
>>>>> (for example, the Go lang ecosystem has gofmt and other tooling to
>>> migrate
>>>>> codebase across std library/lang changes).
>>>>>> - ACS's own tech debt and dependency issues: for example, we're using
>>>>> log4j-extras ( which is
>>>>> completely discontinued, and have code tied around gson library (for
>>> one or
>>>>> more reason, we've hesitated to upgrade both log4j and gson
>>> dependencies)
>>>>>> Appreciate all the hard work the Log4j team is doing and we'll report
>>>>> issues as/when we hit them. As a consumer of the dependency, 1.x gave us
>>>>> enough mileage and end of the day we want logging to be boring that just
>>>>> works; and therefore I'm simply exploring all possible options (both
>>>>> migration to 2.x or support/maintain 1.x fork) while understanding their
>>>>> tradeoffs.
>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> On 2022/01/08 19:51:07 Matt Sicker wrote:
>>>>>>> It would be nice if you filed any issues with Log4j2 about problems
>>>>> with migration. It would have been nice to hear about these issues back
>>>>> when v1 stopped development, but this is the next best time to do so.
>>> The
>>>>> Log4j team are actively working to fill in any remaining gaps on
>>> backward
>>>>> compatibility; making new releases of EOL software with numerous
>>>>> implementation errors inherent to its architecture seems like going
>>>>> backwards.
>>>>>>> —
>>>>>>> Matt Sicker
>>>>>>>>> On Jan 8, 2022, at 13:45, Rohit Yadav <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> I agree and extend support for Andrew's remarks. Apache CloudStack
>>> too
>>>>> uses log4j 1.x and our use case is simply a logging library that 1.x
>>> just
>>>>> satisfies. The effort to migrate to 2.x is not quick, at least in our
>>>>> initial investigation and a migration may likely require huge effort in
>>>>> testing.
>>>>>>>> Assuming this quick upgrade path doesn't exist, and I already read
>>>>> struggles by other projects trying to migrate to 2.x - maintaining 1.x
>>> and
>>>>> doing a 1.2.x release makes more sense than investing weeks in migration
>>>>> and testing to 2.x, while maintaining the same artifact IDs. I'm up for
>>>>> volunteering and supporting 1.x maintenance.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Rohit Yadav
>>>>>>>> PMC, Apache CloudStack
>>>>>>>> On 2021/12/21 21:54:34 Andrew Purtell wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> as for the v1 :: COBOL analogy, that’s not a bad comparison.
>>>>> Basically,
>>>>>>>>> users who haven’t bothered to upgrade in 10 years will have to end
>>> up
>>>>>>>>> paying astronomical costs for consultants who can still work on
>>>>> ancient
>>>>>>>>> software effectively to help modify their systems.
>>>>>>>>> I have to take some exception to this. If the log4j 2.x
>>> configuration
>>>>> files
>>>>>>>>> were compatible _enough_ with 1.x then taking this position would be
>>>>>>>>> understandable. However, because they are not compatible in the way
>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> users require -- and the backwards compatibility is still marked as
>>>>>>>>> 'experimental', even -- it is not great to blame users "who haven't
>>>>>>>>> bothered to upgrade in 10 years". Turning this around, why is
>>>>> backwards
>>>>>>>>> compatibility still experimental after 10 years? I am involved with
>>>>> several
>>>>>>>>> Apache projects where we would love to upgrade from log4j 1 to log4j
>>>>> 2, and
>>>>>>>>> have been talking about it for _years_. However, we have not been
>>>>> able to
>>>>>>>>> easily do so because we actually care about operational
>>> cross-version
>>>>>>>>> compatibility for our users. On some of these projects we are still
>>>>> stuck
>>>>>>>>> on log4j 1.
>>>>>>>>> I also support continuing releasing for log4j 1.x, and would
>>>>> volunteer some
>>>>>>>>> of my time to assist in the effort.
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 21, 2021 at 12:34 PM Matt Sicker <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Nobody in the Logging PMC is blocking a release here. What we don’t
>>>>> want
>>>>>>>>>> is to falsely advertise that v1 is still under development. We
>>>>> already have
>>>>>>>>>> a huge increase in mailing list, PR, and other traffic ever since
>>>>>>>>>> Log4Shell, and if we resurrect v1, then it’ll quickly become
>>>>> impossible to
>>>>>>>>>> keep up with all the activity given the size of the PMC. If any
>>>>> non-trivial
>>>>>>>>>> work is to be done in v1, we’d prefer to see more than one person
>>>>> working
>>>>>>>>>> on that, especially if we want to add more PMC members to oversee
>>> v1
>>>>> in the
>>>>>>>>>> first place.
>>>>>>>>>> And as for the v1 :: COBOL analogy, that’s not a bad comparison.
>>>>>>>>>> Basically, users who haven’t bothered to upgrade in 10 years will
>>>>> have to
>>>>>>>>>> end up paying astronomical costs for consultants who can still work
>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>> ancient software effectively to help modify their systems. Was
>>> Maven
>>>>> even
>>>>>>>>>> widely used back when v1 was popular? Or were people still using a
>>>>> mix of
>>>>>>>>>> make or Ant?
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Matt Sicker
>>>>>>>>>>> On Dec 21, 2021, at 07:13, Romain Manni-Bucau <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Le mar. 21 déc. 2021 à 12:33, Enrico Olivelli <
>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>> écrit :
>>>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I totally support this proposal.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Which are actually the steps we need to cut a release of log4j
>>> 1.x
>>>>> ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> - establish an Apache project ?
>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Send a patch to apply on
>>>>>>>>>>>> - do the fix
>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Get it applied
>>>>>>>>>>>> - cut a release
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can this be done inside another Apache Project who "adopts" the
>>>>> log4j
>>>>>>>>>>>> sources if the Logging Project doesn't want to do it ?
>>>>>>>>>>> The PMC of log4j2 is logging project so it should be done there,
>>> if
>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> project can be forked inside Apache but should change of package
>>>>> until we
>>>>>>>>>>> get the perms to reuse the same one which means likely as much
>>> work
>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>> getting it done at logging project so hope it is not needed ;).
>>>>>>>>>>>> Enrico
>>>>>>>>>>>> Il giorno mar 21 dic 2021 alle ore 08:36 Vladimir Sitnikov <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just wondering, is it even fulfilling the criteria of
>>> incubation?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I believe, the world does not need "active development in log4j
>>>>> 1.x"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> nowadays.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> What everybody needs from log4j 1.x is to fix security issues,
>>> fix
>>>>>>>>>>>>> outstanding issues (if any),
>>>>>>>>>>>>> keep the project buildable (e.g. avoid using outdated build
>>>>> systems),
>>>>>>>>>>>> etc.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it doesn't seem that sustainability is proven.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The problem is log4j 1.x is like COBOL of logging. There are
>>> apps
>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just stuck with log4j 1.x.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The proof of sustainability is that lots of existing apps will
>>>>> never
>>>>>>>>>>>>> upgrade to 2.x because 2.x is incompatible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If the compatibility layer of 2.x would be improved to handle
>>>>> 99.999%
>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> apps,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> then we could indeed move 1.x to the attic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Incubator Cookbook says:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The ASF provides software for the public good,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I described, log4j 2.x is not a direct replacement for log4j
>>>>> 1.x,
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there are **lots** of applications
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that can't easily be upgraded to 2.x due to testing,
>>>>> configuration, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementation issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The current Logging PMC is focused on log4j 2.x only, and they
>>>>> have no
>>>>>>>>>>>>> desire to release 1.x
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active development but focus only on CVE fixes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would say, the primary goal of resurrecting 1.x is to focus on
>>>>> CVEs,
>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> keep the project buildable and testable.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, it might be the case, that certain fixes or features
>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>> appear.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The sad story is that the industry is using 1.x A LOT, and what
>>>>> Logging
>>>>>>>>>>>> PMC
>>>>>>>>>>>>> did was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> they ignored the community, and they just stopped maintaining
>>> 1.x
>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> focused on an incompatible 2.x
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not only do they stop maintaining 1.x, but they also deny others
>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> pick
>>>>>>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the maintenance task.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> What I am trying to do now is to pick up that maintenance
>>>>> activity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vladimir
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>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Andrew
>>>>>>>>> Words like orphans lost among the crosstalk, meaning torn from
>>> truth's
>>>>>>>>> decrepit hands
>>>>>>>>> - A23, Crosstalk
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>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Andrew
>>>> Words like orphans lost among the crosstalk, meaning torn from truth's
>>>> decrepit hands
>>>> - A23, Crosstalk
>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>> Andrew
>> Words like orphans lost among the crosstalk, meaning torn from truth's
>> decrepit hands
>>  - A23, Crosstalk

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